5 minute Friday- Breathe

If you’re a regular reader, you know the drill. Friday is my day to take 5 minutes to do some free writing based on a prompt provided by the wonderful Kate Motaung and share it with the whole 5 minute Friday community. Today’s prompt is breathe.

I want to be a tree.


Because the state of the world today is infusing within me a deep sense of uncertainty, confusion, despair and shame.

I hate observing these images of tiny children made smaller by the weight of ravaging survival pulling them closer to the depths

I wish I could block out the fear mongering speeches of men- and women- who have known nothing but red hot privilege- relative though it may be- as they point their ringed fingers at those who are seeking just a fraction of those hands hold

I wish I could stand as a shield and absorb the proclamations of hate which respond to the shrill dog whistle broadcast by those who cannot claim ignorance but target those who, in vulnerable bliss, do not need to

But I can’t.

All I can do is make like a tree;

breathe in this toxic air and breathe out life, kindness, fact and hope that those who need it most will fill their lungs with deep, gulping, gasps.

5 Minute Friday- control

If you’re a regular reader, you know the drill. Friday is my day to take 5 minutes to do some free writing based on a prompt provided by the wonderful Kate Motaung and share it with the whole 5 minute Friday community. Today’s prompt is control.

Oh boy.


the clock counts down
no matter how hard i try to hold the hands it trickles
down like/

of old into nothing and everything
all at once.

reminders of tick tocking, mark docking rulers of old life
and future strife
and i strive to not become one of those
stealers of the most precious

value of a second when it’s paused/

3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1…

/is infinite but elusive and your fiction is my fate and now all i


do is wait and revel in my lack of watches and the constant waves

i feel- for that is all that matters now fact is stagnant- the swelling sense of

no time not on time no direction nor any protection and no way to escape the inevitable breaking of

/barriers long stacked up and backed up/

and it’s obvious what’s being done but i


just want to wind up holding//


maybe You can hold my hand instead?